Archive for September, 2011

Are You Worth It?

I’m one of those people who has been uniquely blessed to know my purpose on the planet. Some people struggle with that concept and spend decades changing jobs, changing careers, relocating time and time again in search of their “right work.”

bored babyOther people may struggle with weight, relationships, health, money, time, or a host of other issues.  These perceived struggles impact our self esteem.  Some people like to work on these with a therapist, a life coach, or in a group.

You have probably noticed that while we all have self esteem, it seems to rise and fall as often as the winds change. Can you imagine learning a set of techniques that you can employ to raise your own esteem, at will, any time of the day or night?

Please join me for a FREE preview session on Tuesday, October 25, 6:00 p.m. in Galveston to learn more about the Power of Self Esteem and learn a technique that will help you raise your self esteem.   The evening session requires no payment and has no obligation.

And if you’re interested in more, you will learn about the upcoming Power of Self Esteem course.  If you are not available to attend the preview session and know you’d like to register for the course, please do so now. 

Are you worth one weekend, dedicated solely to you?  I hope so.
