
E-News and Electronic Marketing

Website Review

Fundraising Communications

Communications Plans

Public Relations and Marketing

Freelance Writing

Coaching for Presenters

Public Speaking



ClickHow can you effectively get your message across to the audiences you need to address, while still sounding as passionate and fresh as when you first joined the organization? 


What would it take to tell your story in a way which gets attention while not costing an arm and a leg? 


Why is integrating your communications plan with your overall strategic plan vital to the success of your organization? 


You may think of media, press releases, and advertising as “one time things,” but they should be part of an integrated package to enhance awareness about your organization. 


In fact, many organizations spend a lot of money unnecessarily on “advertising,” when they could get attention in the media and in broader audiences with low-to-no investment.  You may have so many things happening at once that you fail to see that something truly newsworthy can be simply stated in a bulleted fact sheet.


When was the last time you looked at the language on your website, or in a brochure, to see if it is still current?  When was the last time you had someone proofread your materials to eliminate jargon that seems natural to you, but puts off a potential client or funding source because it is not explained in language that appeals to them?


Contact us.  Very inexpensively, we can do an honest evaluation of your materials and provide feedback to you that will help you get the most bang for your buck.