A Moment of Pride

I’ve been wondering…

How often do you feel a moment of pride and forget to mention it to anyone, especially the person you are feeling it about?

With Memorial Day just yesterday, I’ve been pausing to remember. Not only those who have gone before us to fight for our freedom, but those who live with us every day, inspiring us to be all we can.

Today I am proud of Georgia Sherrod, my daughter’s fifth grade Language Arts teacher. She inspired the children to write a fairy tale for four yeJoy's book is in front of the winning pile.ar olds. Her students became authors and illustrators on this project, both in and out of class. A large part of their grades this quarter depends on their work.

In the spring, when so many teachers are winding down after “the test,” Mrs. Sherrod fired up her students to try something creative. She did it at a time when the weather warms up, when the days are sunny, and when the kids would rather be outside than doing homework. She pushed the envelope and got great results. In my book, she gets the award for Best Teacher as well as the award for Best Role Model for Other Teachers.

And yes, I am proud that my daughter, Joy, wrote one of the seven winning books that will be given to the four year old class library. (Believe me, it was hard to stay out of her project. At most, I asked her to check the spelling on a couple of words, hung out with her while she glued her pages down, and formatted the page so it would print correctly for the size of the book.)

Joy did a terrific job. At age 11, she formulated the story line, the conflict, the resolution, the color. She “owned” the project as hers, and it shows in the results of her work. Look for copies of The Quest of the Missing Gem sometime in the future.  She’s got some talent!  And yes, I’ve told her how proud I am of her. 

So, I wonder… who have you forgotten to tell that you’re proud, or that you remember something that mattered to you? 

I’d like to hear your stories, too.

One Response to “A Moment of Pride”

  • Lindsey says:

    Janet, you and Melody must be so proud of your talented little angel! Congratulations on your winning book, Joy! To Mrs. Sherrod, thank you for putting so much heart and effort into your classroom!

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